JEA Construction Engineering Services, Inc.
JEA Construction Engineering Services, Inc. (JEACES) is a Florida-based Construction Engineering and Inspection (CEI) firm that specializes in public works transportation projects for municipal and state clients. JEACES has worked successfully on a wide variety of CEI projects – from small enhancement projects to $110 Million interchange projects.
JEACES is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Jones Edmunds & Associates, Inc., a Florida-based consulting and engineering firm. The operational initiative that became JEACES began when the first prime consultant contract between the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and Jones Edmunds was executed in 1998 for construction management of the Alachua County Rest Area along I-75. JEACES was subsequently incorporated in mid-1999 in recognition of the special focus of work associated with the CEI business. JEACES was founded to focus on the provision of CEI services to the FDOT and other public entities with transportation projects.

JEACES offers experience with urban and rural roadway construction including critical issues such as MOT, earthwork, drainage, stabilization, base, as well as asphalt and concrete pavement.

JEACES provides CEI services for a variety of bridge types including steel truss, concrete, moveable, cable stay, and segmental.

JEACES offers a wide variety of other services including: Contract Compliance EEO, Environmental Compliance, ITS, Schedule Analysis, and Utilities.
After working for Jones Edmunds (the parent firm of JEACES) for six years, Greg Graden joined JEACES when it was established in 1999 and became President in 2013. JEACES’ primary client is FDOT District 2 and Greg loves nothing more than working on project sites and lending his expertise to make sure projects are constructed as designed or sometimes even better than designed.
Learn more about Greg and what he enjoys while off the job, including competitive roping.