SR 23 First Coast Expressway from North of Argyle Forest to I-10
Project Description:
This project updated Branan Field Road from a two-lane rural facility to a four-lane limited access tolled facility as part of the First Coast Expressway (FCE) in Duval County. This section of the FCE began north of Argyle Forest Blvd. and connected to the existing interchange south of I-10. The arterial streets were placed on new bridges over SR 23 and upgraded with bike lanes, 6-ft sidewalks, dual left-turn-lanes and turbo-lanes at 103rd St. and Normandy Blvd.
Project’s Impact:
The most important benefits to the traveling public are the added capacity, safety, and mobility with this new corridor. The FCE helps reduce congestion on other major roadways in northeast Florida which is significantly important for daily commuters and commercial vehicle operations, and crucially important during storm-related evacuations.

SR 20 Add Lanes and Reconstruct from SW 56th Ave to CR 315 in Interlachen, Florida
Project Description:
This high-speed urban project on State Road 20 project is located between SW 56th Avenue and County Road 315 in Interlachen, Florida. SR 20 is part of the Florida Strategic Intermodal System and a critical east-west evacuation route. The project widened 3.58 miles of SR 20 from two-lanes to four-lanes with two 12’ travel lanes, a 4’ inside shoulder, and a 6.5’ bicycle lane (in each direction), a 5’ sidewalk adjacent to the westbound lanes, and a 10’ multi-use path adjacent to the eastbound lanes.
Project’s Impact:
This is the penultimate SR 20 project that will complete the four-lane roadway from Palatka to Gainesville providing an increased level of service providing multiple facilities with ease of access and improving safety by relieving congestion and alleviating dangerous sight distance problems associated with the numerous hills and curves along the corridor. This project provided enhanced safety features in the Town of Interlachen including pedestrian crossings, intersection lighting, retroreflective signal backplates, and internally illuminated overhead street name signs at the SR 20/CR 315 intersection as well as a new wireless preempted emergency signal at the SR 20/Commonwealth Avenue intersection.

I-10 (SR 8) Interchange Improvements at US 90 (SR 10) and First Coast Expressway (SR 23)
Project Description:
This project extended the First Coast Expressway (SR 23) to US 90 with significant roadway operations, a new weathered steel bridge and three new Florida I-beam bridges. Three bridges span US 90 and the CSX Railroad. Geometric improvements include new ramps and a collector-distributor road to eliminate weaving in mainline I-10 traffic. ITS work extended the SR 23 system to US 90 and included CCTV cameras, Dynamic Message Signs, and Microwave Vehicle Detection Systems. As a commitment to the City of Jacksonville, this section of the FCE corridor is not tolled to promote economic development in the Cecil Commerce Center.
Project’s Impact:
This project’s goal was to provide a direct connection from US 90 to I-10 and SR 23 without an at grade CSX railroad crossing. Major benefits to the travelling public include greatly improved commuting options, the reduction of commercial truck traffic on Chaffee Road in front of the Whitehouse Elementary School, and to support economic development opportunities in the area.

SR A1A/San Marco Intersection Improvements
Project Description:
To alleviate congestion and improve traffic at the gateway entrance to historic St. Augustine a unique, multi-intersection improvement concept for SR A1A was developed. This project provided operational improvements to the intersections of West San Carlos Avenue and SR A1A (May Street) at San Marco Avenue, and US 1/SR 5 and West San Carlos Avenue. Additional improvements include replacement of outdated public utilities, sanitary sewer pump station relocation, new drainage to address local flooding, improved pedestrian access and crosswalks, and decorative LED streetlights.
Project’s Impact:
This project realigned two adjacent signalized intersections on busy corridors that provide access to historic St. Augustine and the local beaches. Enhancements include improved traffic flow, new bicycle lanes, and pedestrian updates that include a High-Intensity Activated Crosswalk (HAWK) traffic signal to support pedestrian crossing of SR A1A by the nearby Florida School of Deaf and Blind.